Site Registration

If you would like to access the members only areas of the Riverhouse Life web site, including being able to sign up for newsletters, to access the church address book (regular attenders only), please take the time to register your details with us. By registering you are agreeing for Riverhouse Life to hold your personal information and to use it for administrative purposes. When filling in this form you have options to sign up to our online address book (this is for regular members only) to receive information about future events and other news relating to Riverhouse Life (Once registered you can change this preferences as you wish). For further information on how your data is used and stored please read our privacy policy. (see link at bottom of the website).

Basic Details
* First Name:
* Last Name:
Date of birth:
/ / (dd/mm/yyyy)
* Email Address:
Line 1:
Line 2:
Town / City: City:
County: State:
Postcode: Zip code:
Phone Numbers
Privacy Settings
Connections visible to:
Connections can see:
Site members can see:
The public can see:
Application Information
Please include any additional notes or comments which would help us process your registration more quickly:

Please read our Privacy Policy to find out how we use this information.

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