What we Believe


We believe in living out our Christian faith as effectively as possible, making an impact with those who do not know the great news about Jesus Christ.

We believe in sharing the good news, equipping people in their faith journey and then seeing them live their faith out in the world.

As everyone is unique, our heart is to be a church where everyone can be all that God has created them to be, and can step into the plans He has for them.  This means our vision and what we do and how we do it can keep changing as different people become part of our church family. We want to be a church that dreams big.

As a church our heart is to be a people that:-
  • Keep growing in our intimate relationship with God as our father and discovering more of who He is on a daily basis.
  • Know the Father's heart for others and to live this out more and more.
  • Live from the fullness of all that Jesus accomplished on the cross so that we become more like Him.
  • Are word and Spirit lead bringing heaven to earth.  We believe God is a supernatural God and therefore we pursue seeing God do miracles in everyday life.
  • Live as a family of believers that love all people as Jesus loves, creating a safe place for all to be welcomed, accepted, loved and have a place of belonging.
  • Find God so amazing we can't keep Him to ourselves. We want to live in a way that opens people's eyes to who Jesus really is and help them start their own journey of discovering Him. 
  • Realise that none of us are perfect. We all have a journey to go on at our own pace, to be healed and restored to become more like Him. For some this may be straightforward, for others, going on this journey may feel like being on a roller coaster. As a church we want to support you in this process.  

A key verse for us that sums up the above is Isaiah 61 v1

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, (NIV)