Love covers 

Once again I find myself
wrapped up within Your word.
Your Spirit’s illumination
reveals what must be heard.
And once again I recognise
the shortfall of my walk.
My actions are so limited
and all I do is talk.
Yet clearly You have shown again
above all Love’s the key.
It drives and thrives on agape
in sinner’s lives like me.
For Love embraces all who fail
it covers so much sin.
His depth of Love pours out on all
so we must now begin
with Love that shows forgiveness
Love that offers hope,
Love that serves our neighbour
with grace that we might cope.
Whatever Love we show,
in whatever work we do,
it’s God’s empowered blessing
that helps to see us through.
Each action is a prompt for praise
each proffered gift we bring
we offer for His glory
to heaven’s eternal King.