for such a time as this wordartFor such a time as this 

Now Esther thought her beauty put her in pride of place
The previous queen had made a scene - Vashti in disgrace
But little did Esther know of wicked Haman’s schemes
Nor Mordecai’s awareness of the King’s troubled dreams
Haman’s plans seemed skilful
Bright destiny was his
But God above declared His love
For such a time as this
Whenever that He calls us, whatever our situation
We know that He will guide us; we are a holy nation
We’re given a royal position, betrothed to the King
We are His chosen people, equipped for everything
The timing may seem random
The calendar amiss
But each appointment is anointed
For such a time as this
So when we find our friends nearby are in a troubled state
When neighbours grieve and can’t relieve the lot that seems their fate
When cruel words are spoken - anger seems the battle cry
When voters start to remonstrate and all we do is sigh
Now’s the time we need to pray
To know God’s loving kiss
And do what He has called us to
For such a time as this