Missional Communities

God has changed each of our lives in an incredible way. We’d love to see the same transformation in the lives of our friends and in our city. That’s why our Missional Communities exist.

These communities are at the very core of how we do church. We are one church, but many missional communities. These communities form around a common focus, desiring to be like and love like Jesus in different and relevant ways to the people or interest groups, geographies, schools or workplaces they serve. Paul describes our motives so well….. 

‘We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of our God but our lives as well because you had become so dear to us’ – 1 Thessalonians 2 v8

Our Missional Communities:

New here?

Our Missional Communities are open for anyone to join – whether you know Jesus, or are interested in finding out about him. The best way to go about joining one is to have a good look at the Missional Community section of the website and think about which ones might interest you. Missional Communities gather around a place or network where we might be able to connect with the people of our city. Ask yourself: how does God enable me already to bless people who don’t know him? Where do I most easily connect with those who don’t know Jesus? These questions will help you think about which communities might be the best fit for you.

If you came along to any of our Missional Community events and would like to hear more about what we have planned, then please download and fill out this form! You can either give it to the person that invited you or to Kate Bailey. 

If you want to sign up to our website to get all the updates from Riverhouse Life, then click the "register" button on the top right of your screen. This allows us to contact you through our website, which is how we send out all our updates and emails (there aren't that many emails)!