
In this restricted season, it can be far too tempting to constantly keep busy and lose sight of God's heart for our rest. Below is a poem that was written by Millie during the third lockdown, Matthew 11:28 inspires her poem. 


Are you hopeless?
Are you at the end of your tether?
Are you completely and utterly exhausted?
Are you worn out and just seeking rest?
Let me let you into a secret, among the chaos and trouble and trials we have a God of rest.
A God of peace and a God of strength

Rest, rest is something we all need.
We can relax, taking a breath and renew our strength.
When we feel weak, we can get supported and just recover,
Life’s too hard on our own

Another test, another assignment, another lesson
Another bill to pay, another meal to make.
Another child to calm down, another zoom call
Another shop, another day at work, another dish to wash.
It goes on and on and on
Another worry, another stress, another sin, another burden

We get trapped. We get washed up in this way of life when every minute is another thing to worry about
We tire and breakdown and call for help. Praying someone will listen.

Are you feeling like this? Are you feeling like there is no light and no hope?
Are you feeling weak and burdened?

There is a God who listens, who hears every call and reaches his hand out and takes your burdens
He lifts every worry and burden off your shoulder.
He renews your strength and gives you peace
He gives you rest.

A rest that this world cannot give, a rest that passes all understanding, a rest that is not temporary but for life
Life is meant to be done with God, in his strength
Where every worry and burden is on his shoulders
Where you can embrace life and find true rest

He says ‘come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.’
Mathew 11:28